Our hearts go out to the family and friends of the 13-year who was tragically struck while riding his bike to Graham Middle School on Thursday morning.

Mayor Ramirez shared this in his weekly message to the community:

Dear Friends,

As you have likely heard, our community has suffered a tragic and horrific loss. On March 17, a 13-year-old student at Graham Middle School was killed in a fatal collision with a truck at the intersection of El Camino Real and Grant Road. A fundraiser to benefit the family of the student is available here.

Urgent and significant bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements are necessary to reduce and prevent future injuries and fatalities. The City of Mountain View, in partnership with Caltrans, is planning pedestrian and bicycle improvements on El Camino Real, which are scheduled to be constructed as part of the repaving project next year. More information about this project can be found on the City website.

Additionally, the City is developing an integrated Vision Zero Action Plan and Local Road Safety Plan. This Plan is focused on eliminating fatal traffic crashes that affect all transportation modes including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders. Through the action plan, the City will analyze historic crash data, compile proven countermeasures, identify and prioritize projects, and recommend safety projects for implementation.

Local Road Safety Plan Community Meeting
Join us for a virtual community meeting on the integrated Vision Zero Action Plan and Local Road Safety Plan at 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 24th, 2022 (new time).

Click here to join the meeting via Zoom.
Join by Telephone: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 890 6701 2664

Words cannot express how saddened we are at this loss. Safe Mountain View was organized around the goal of changing Mountain View’s roads to be safe enough for kids. We clearly have a long way to go.