Great Streets in MV Voice again!
Street safety and livability have come up several times in the Mountain View Voice during the last several weeks. We are excited to see that an issue that is so important, but is often been ignored, come to the front of the city-wide dialogue. Reporter Daniel DeBolt interviewed several Mountain View citizens for his article on September 7th "Long road ahead to boost city's bike network" and an...
The California Street Road Diet
As mentioned in the last post, the Great Streets Rengstorff Park project is was highlighted in the Mountain View Voice, with a focus on the safety improvements that are urgently needed for California Street following the tragic case of reckless driving that killed William Ware. Judging from the comments, there was a lot of interest in the idea, but there were questions about California Street's...
Great Streets in the Voice!
We are delighted that Mountain View Voice has an article about GSRP and the street modifications we would like made to improve the safety and public spaces for everyone in Mountain View. If this is your first time here, Please sign up for our newsletter and read our vision.