California/Escuela Study Funded! (almost)
Good news! At the May 21 City Council Meeting, nearly twenty people spoke in support of the many bicycle and pedestrian safety and livability projects proposed for the city's Capital Improvement Program. Council elected to move all projects forward as proposed, including the California Street and Escuela Avenue study. If you were able to attend the meeting or write a letter to council prior to...
Your Voice Needed on May 21
On Tuesday, May 21 at 5PM, Mountain View City Council will discuss the future of street safety in Mountain View. If you've ever travelled down a street in the Rengstorff Park area of Mountain View and thought that it could be more beautiful, livable, and safer, Tuesday evening is your opportunity to take action and make a difference! Come to City Hall at 500 Castro Street at 5PM. The meeting...
May 21: Show Your Support for Safer Streets!
The time has come! On Tuesday, May 21 at City Hall, Council will be voting on funding for improving safety on two streets in the Rengstorff Park area and we need you to be there! That evening, City Council will be voting on a number of projects as part of the Capital Improvement Program List. This list is only chosen every two years and typically includes projects that are over $50,000 and are...
Bike Tour! Funding?! What’s Next?
We hope you joined us on March 2nd for GSRP’s first ever bike tour of our area! More than 40 community members attended including councilmembers Ronit Bryant and Margaret Abe-Koga, Environmental Planning Commissioner Margaret Capriles, and Community Development Director Randy Tsuda. I could tell you all about it but we received three write-ups in local papers. Check out the articles and take a...
Bike Tour of Rengstorff Park Area
Great Streets Rengstorff Park invites you to a Bike Tour on Saturday, March 2nd from 9AM to 11AM! Enjoy a leisurely morning ride and learn about how Rengstorff Park neighborhood streets are key assets to building stronger social ties, economic success, and a healthier community in Mountain View. You’ll travel approximately 4 miles with stops along the way that highlight stories from neighborhood...
California Street Road Diet Rolling Forward
Members of Great Streets Rengstorff Park were gratified as we attended two successful meetings this week. GSRP was informed several months ago, that the next step to move the California Street road diet from an idea to reality was to have it placed on the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) list. City Council has the final word on the CIP list, but input from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory...
City Council Calls for Safer Streets
On November 20, Mountain View City Council held a study session on traffic safety, and Mayor Kasperzak and councilmembers Ronit Bryant and Laura Macias spoke strongly in support of taking action in the form of road design changes to improve safety and make it easier and safer to get around when walking or biking. The study session was held in response to the recent rash of collisions between...
Latest Update On Streetlight at Escuela & California
Elana Pacheco spotted PG&E connecting electricity to the new streetlight! The Streetlight at California & Escuela now has power to it. The lanes need to be restriped and the old streetlight removed to complete this process. Sayed Fahkry, Senior Traffic Engineer, City of Mountain View, has said that he expects this to be completed within a week. We look forward to posting pictures of...
GSRP First Community Meeting Friday, November 2nd – Join Us!
Dear Neighbors and Friends, Please join us for an update for on Great Streets Rengstorff Park! Friday, November 2nd 7:00 - 9:00pm Rengstorff Community Center 201 Rengstorff Avenue Mountain View, CA 94040 We were invited to attend the recent Shoreline West Association of Neighbors (SWAN) community meeting where city staff and MVPD discussed the recent deaths on California Avenue and what they are...
Update on new traffic signals at Escuela Avenue and California Street
Great Streets Rengstorff Park had a meeting with Mountain View city staff recently. Among other things, we asked when the new traffic signals on California & Escuela will be functional. The lastest update from the City of Mountain View Public Works Department Dickson Tam - The signal project has been on hold due to delays with PG&E's new electrical service for the new signal system....